Let’s work together

Ready to empower the next generation of leaders in our communities? Share your information below, and we'll be in touch soon. We can't wait to work with you!

Join for Free!

Become An Exclusive Member and gain access to extraordinary benefits while investing back into your community!

Gold Club Member

BLAC Gold Member
Every month

As a Gold member of the BLAC Club , you gain access to a wealth of resources, networks and exclusive opportunities tailored to empowering you as a leader. This membership, valued at over $5,000 annually, is ideal for aspiring minority leaders. All contributions will fund career placement for emerging Black professionals.

✓ Join a supportive community to lean on.
✓ Access to grant opportunities
✓ Discounts to key events

Diamond Club Member

BLAC Diamond Member
Every year

As a Diamond member of the BLAC Club, you unlock exclusive resources, networks, and leadership opportunities designed to empower you. Valued at over $6,500 annually, this membership offers premium access while supporting economic development in our communities. Enjoy 20% annual savings while gaining thousands in benefits.

✓ Access to insider updates on new funding opportunities
✓ Access to exclusive networks and grants
✓ Access to discounted Therapy
✓ Store discounts from partners
✓ Event discounts

Join BLAC as an exclusive member to grow alongside experts, gain economic and funding opportunities, and make a lasting difference. Together, let’s reengineer our communities and rewrite our future.

Gold Member

Join BLAC’s Leadership Club and unlock exclusive access to coaching, grants, career opportunities, and a network of influential Black leaders.

Diamond Member

Join BLAC’s Leadership Club and unlock exclusive access to coaching, funding, key partners, and a network of influential Black leaders.